Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Safari Hunting Game

          A long, long, long time ago, I went on a safari to Arusha National Park, and took photos, which I later posted online. You've probably seen them, and I'll agree with you, they're not much to look at. All you get to see is some park info boards before the album ends because the internet cafe where I was uploading them closed. I'm sorry you had to wait so long, but I promise you, it will have been worth it...
          The updated safari pictures has many new features:
          •   In picture text as well as captions (be sure to read both, some photos won't make sense with out the caption...) explaining the highlights of the photo.
          •   More interesting photos (I removed all the info board pictures to make room for more pictures inside the park, as well as done some extreme cut backs, all to ensure you get to see the most interesting photos).
          •   More photos, period (Even after extreme cutbacks, there are still nearly 300 photos for your entertainment).
          •   A Safari Hunt!

          Tired of your dull and boring lives far away from the excitement of the African Savanna? I feel for you, which I why I decided to find a way to let you go on your own safari hunt while sitting in front of your computer! "How, oh wondrous one, is this possible?" you ask. well, through out the photos of the park I've hidden emoticon critters (stuff like |:C and :3), etc.). As you look at the photos, you can also hunt for the text critters hidden inside. A prize will be awarded to the first one who finds all the emoticon figures hidden thought the album. Just post your count here in the comments section of this post.
          I hope you enjoy the pictures, and happy hunting!

E’ya! - Tate


  1. I found 33 emoticons after I started counting them. You had a lot in one picture.

  2. I was so busy looking at the pictures, I lost count of the emoticons around 12. The pictures are great. I can't decide whether I like the blurry warthogs or the legless giraffes the best. No, wait, the eco-conscious stranger gets my vote. If only he had a razor... Great trip. Great captions. Keep on writing!!

  3. I have a question. Are you going to get to go to the Serengeti and see lions??

  4. The pictures are great! I love the captions. I gave up counting emoticons at 68, because I was getting eye strain. I kept laughing at your captions and then Pongo started laughing too. I love the flip-o-rama with Baba and the skull. Looks like you had a great time. I miss you!

  5. What flip-o-rama???

  6. Mom,look for the picture of Baba standing next to a sign holding a skull. Flip forward and back between that picture and the next one. Hours of fun...
