Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 47: Computers...

          The Computer.  A complex and ingenious invention that fulfills a wide multitude of functions and services.  But that is assuming you have one.  And know how to use it to the full...
          First, I would like to take a moment to thank my bibi on my mother's side, Joyce Swanson, for giving me this laptop.  Without it, this whole entire blog would not have been possible.  THANK YOU!!!!  Now I am neither blind nor ignorant.  I won't say that I didn't know that most people in Tanzania don't have computers or know how to use them beyond sending e-mail, as I did.  And I won't say that I didn't realize how much I used my computers back home, as I was fully aware of exactly how addicted I was to them.  And I know how useful a working knowledge of how to use a computer can be to some one, even if they have to go to an internet café to use one.  Probably the one thing I was not expecting was how slow the internet is here in Tanzania (or is that how super fast it is back home?).
          One thing a computer is good for is searching for colleges.  Especially foreign ones in another country, like the US.  Faraja, my cousin (Shangazi Eli-aremisa's second born), is a primary school teacher.  She wants to come to the US to study special education (especially hearing impairment).  However, as you may have guessed, she doesn't have a computer, and doesn't' know how to use one.  First I showed her some basics, the proper way to touch type, how to use a mouse, etc., on my laptop.  I had her practice by writing a letter in Microsoft Word to me.  I promised her that if she was really good and only wrote about what a fabulous cousin I was, I'd take her to the internet the next day to look for colleges.
          The next day we walked the short distance to Paulina, an old friend of Baba's.  Her father was, in fact, the old King of Meru.  From there Ino took us to Christina's for Lunch.  From Christina's we went to Tengeru to go to the Internet.  Faraja meet us there, and I spent the rest of the day helping her open an e-mail account and start looking at schools.  We focused on schools near home, as she will be staying with us while going to school.  Jovin will be coming with her of course, so it looks like I'll get lots of practice at playing the "cool" Mjomba.  It shouldn't be too much of a problem, so long as he doesn't start asking me for money...

E’ya! - Tate

Jump to: Day46 or Day 52

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